Hunan University

Hunan University is Iocated in Changsha capitaI city of Hunan Province It is a key unive rsity affiliated with China’s Mini stry of Education and included in China’s“21 1 Project’’and“985 Project”.The university,dating back to Yuelu Academy founded in 976 A D,the most famous academy of the Song Dynasty(960—1 279),is one of the oldest in stitutions of higher education in the world.Hunan Unive rsity is a comprehensive university with 30 colleges a staff of over 4 500(including a facuIty of 1,900,of which are 524 professors,702 associate professorsand 1 4 membe rs of the Chinese Academy of Science s and the Chinese Academy ofEngineering)and a student body of 30.OOO,of which are 9,600 g raduate students.